The holidays mean different things to each of us, depending upon our background, faith and geographical location. Fortunately, certain values like generosity, caring, and love appear in the traditions and celebrations of many diverse communities.
The Robotic Parking Systems’ team is a true melting pot with staff members of a variety of faiths, nationalities, and backgrounds. What we have in common is a shared vision of gratitude and contribution.
Without exception, each member of our team is grateful that our daily work consists of educating the public about and building our environmentally friendly fully automated parking system – a system that is also safer for people. During this holiday season, we reflect on how fortunate we are to live the concept of “right livelihood” and “right living” which is found in many faiths.
Giving through Work and Right Living
In Hinduism, Dharma is the principle of righteous duty and conduct, which governs all aspects of life, including work. Work is seen as a sacred duty that must be performed with integrity, honesty, and dedication.
The concept of “Right Livelihood” in Buddhism mandates that one engages in an occupation that not only pays the bills but also creates greater happiness, wisdom, and well-being, and relieves suffering in ourselves and others. Conversely, we should avoid occupations that produce harm.
The Bible teaches that God can use people wherever they are. Colossians 3:23-24, states, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
Giving in the Community
Beyond our work in the automated parking system industry, many of our team members volunteer each week in the community to help youth, the poor, the environment, and veterans. Some of our team members favorite organizations to volunteer with include: Sewa USA, which provides aid to the underserved and disaster relief;. KKSF USA which aids seniors and supports medical, cultural and educational projects; IEEE, advancing technology for the benefit of humanity; Pinellas Education Foundation, which supports county schools with many initiatives including career development and closing the gender achievement gap for boys; and Girl Scouts, helping young women learn life and leadership skills on a troop and regional level.
Robotic Parking Systems Giving
Throughout the years, Robotic Parking Systems has donated and volunteered time to a variety of causes–environmental causes and providing resources and robotics education to both high school and post secondary educational institutions.
This past year, our company was proud to support the wonderful non-profit, Secret Saints, in the Savannah, Georgia community with their Small Saint Saviors: LifeVac Edition initiative. LifeVac is a life-saving device used during a choking crisis. This initiative resulted in the distribution of 238 LifeVacs to area Pre-K and elementary schools.
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
– Winston Churchill
As we come to the end of 2023, we would like to wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season and a wish for even more giving in 2024.