The Pioneer in Automatic Parking Since 1994 — Always Ahead

Congestion: Myth 5

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) will soon arrive and will reduce congestion.

Fully autonomous (Society of Automotive Engineers Level 5) vehicles won’t reach widespread adoption until long after 2030.

Automobile and technology companies will continue to launch numerous AV pilots, but they must clear a significant number of hurdles. There are significant advancements needed in both the technology and cost. AVs will operate in limited setting for some time and cost will remain a major barrier—premium buyers and fleets will remain the primary market for AVs for some time. Once prices do come down, it will still take a long time to replace a meaningful share of the current vehicle base. There are also significant legal and ethical questions related to liability. Lastly, there are questions around how standards and infrastructure develop and who will pay for them.

Once mainstream, it’s still up for debate whether AVs will reduce or worsen congestion. The outcome hinges on a few factors: cost, riders’ willingness to share, and AVs effect on urban sprawl. It is highly possible that AV’s will induce demand for transportation due to the convenience of AVs that could increase urban sprawl and VMT.


Robotic Parking Systems has been participating in transportation technology discussions with leading companies for quite some time. One element has become very clear – emerging technologies require that the garage of the future be smart!

Our system is already connected and can receive and share as much or as little information as the owner wants on an open network.This communications platform works well for car sharing fleets, etc.

We have developed a partnership with Bosch to facilitate the parking of “autonomous driving cars” in Robotic Parking Systems’ garages. And, with optional electric charging stations, Robotic Parking Systems Inc offers the features in parking facilities required for future transportation needs.


The National Parking Association commissioned a top-10 consulting firm to produce a report on reducing congestion. The result: “Parking is a solution to congestion.”

The report, “An Ecosystem Approach to Reducing Congestion,” reaffirms the role of parking in our cities. For the full study, visit

© 2018 PwC. All rights reserved. Produced with the participation of the National Parking Association

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