Creates Space for Design, Development and the Community
Use 50% Less Land Area for the Same Amount of Parking
Creates Space for Design, Development and the Community
Properties that include green space and common areas in which people can interact are more beautiful, livable and desirable. However, attracting people means attracting and parking their cars.
Parking, while a necessity, is not the highest and best use for land on any project.
Architects and developers regularly have to compromise design or reduce revenue generating space to accommodate required parking. In many cases space is at a premium, and the project can’t go forward unless the architect can somehow “create space” to get the parking density needed.
Robotic Parking Systems is the Solution
The compact Robotic Parking System is the solution. It comes down to the available land area. Minimizing the impact of parking creates more space for design and development that can be used for additional revenue, green space, common areas for the community or other uses that benefit the property as a whole.
Not only can Robotic Parking Systems park the same number of cars in half the space as compared to conventional garages, but these parking facilities offer more security, less emissions and greater convenience for users. The Robotic Parking Systems high-speed efficiency and fast retrieval times guarantee a satisfying user experience.
Developers gain more revenue generating space. Or, the space saved can be used for green space and open areas to help meet LEED standards.
Lower Development Costs
Overall development cost can be significantly lower than for a conventional garage. Since there are no people or running cars inside the garage, there are lower lighting and ventilation requirements. Lower insurance costs, lower personnel expenses, smaller land area required and more – all add up to increased savings.
The modular Robotic Parking System can be built above ground, underground, inside a building, on top of a building or under a building. Underground applications are particularly well suited to the Robotic Parking System. Because only half the space is needed for the same amount of parking as conventional garages, developers can save as much as 50% on the excavation alone.
Case Study: Developer Can Save Over 60,000 Square Feet
Here’s a design case study that shows how Robotic Parking Systems created space for the architects and developers of a convention center complex.
We designed two options for 1200 parking spaces that will free up an additional 60,000 square feet of land area.
Convention Center Option 1 (shown to the right) saves the project 59,202 square feet of land area and gives the developer the option of adding an entire additional building. The developer gains approximately 25,833 square feet of GFA per floor of the additional building.
Click here to see the full design image of Option 1 shown above.
Convention Center Option 2 (shown below left) shows a different arrangement of the development where the parking garage is centered resulting in less foot traffic and a similar gain in additional floor area.
Click here to see the full design image of Option 2 shown to the left.